CODEBOOK data for replication.txt "reference" - legislative dossier code (Legislative Observatory) "type" - type of legal act "amendment" - amendment or not "codification" - codification or not "repeal" - repeal or not "recast" - recast or not "recitals" - number of recitals "legalbas" - number of legal bases "legal.basis1" - first legal base "legal.basis2" - second legal base "legal.basis3" - third legal base "numbersubjects" - number of subjects (topics) "subject1" - subject 1 "subject2" - subject 2 "subject3" - subject 3 "subject4" - subejct 4 "stage" - decision making stage reached "proposal" - data of proposal "" - date of EP committe resolution (1st reading) "EP.pos.1st" - date of EP 1st reading "Council.compos" - date of Council common position "" - date of EP committe resolution (second reading) "EP.pos.2nd" - date of EP second reading "Conciliation.agreement" - date of Conciliation agreement "EP.pos.3rd" - date of EP third reading "rapporteur1" - rapporteur 1(name) "rapporteur2" - rapporteur 2 (name) "rapportuer3" - rapporteur 3 (name) "number.of.raports" - number of rapporteurs "" - political group of rapporteur 1 "" - political group of rapporteur 2 "" - political group of rapporteur 3 "numberpol" - number of political groups "committee1" - EP responsible committee "committee2" - EP responsible committee 2 "number.of.coms" - number of responsible EP committees "com.dg" - responsible Commission DG "epamend" - number of EP amendments proposed "final.act" - date of final act "comitology" - comitology or not "early" - early agreement or not (see text for explanation how the variable is constructed)